Contact us!

We here at ElectionsDatabase are always happy to hear any comments, suggestions, or other feedback about the site and its data. We can be reached by email at We are hard at work expanding our database, and still perfecting the mobile and interactive experiences on the site. Please let us know if you find a bug or unexpected feature.

You can contact us on Twitter @electionsdb or on the ElectionsDatabase Facebook page.

Who are we?

ElectionsDatabase is made by the founders of Centrality Data Science, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Paul Fairie's profile picture Paul Fairie completed his PhD in political science at the University of Calgary in 2013. He has taught classes in local politics and research methods. Follow him on Twitter @paulisci, where he tweets fun charts and bad jokes. Paul is responsible for the bulk of the political analysis and writing on the site.

Adam D'Souza's profile picture Adam D'Souza holds a PhD in physics. Besides data analysis, his interests include reading, cooking, and playing the violin. Adam is responsible for the bulk of the electoral data wrangling on the site, which you can discuss with him on Twitter @h2o_bro.

Michael Underwood's profile picture Michael Underwood is a software developer with a doctorate in physics. A Calgary native, he has also lived abroad and travelled extensively for work and for play. He enjoys finding solutions wherever problems exist. Michael is on Twitter @munderwood, and is responsible for the bulk of the development of the site.